Esta es la idea de este apasionante minimusical llamado sabiamente Web Side Story. En él los protagonistas cantan al ritmo de los temas más importantes de West Side Story pero con muchos más gadgets y siglas que sus vecinos hace 50 años.
Disfruta de esta perlita:
No he encontrado la versión subtitulada, perooooooo, si tengo la trascripción al ingles (la traducción española pierde gracia y contenido además de tener algunos portales que muchos neófitos de la red desconozcan, en todo caso se entiende muy bien) aún así puede ayudar a entender la desternillante letra de Web Side Story.
When you're on the net you will stay, you will stay, cause the whole Google Earth is just one click away.
When you're on the net why would you go outside? why be out in the world, you could be worldwide.
I'm so outta shape, I gonna buy a moo-moo.
The Skateboard Escape, from Back to the Future 2, is now on Hulu!
What's this? Maria...
I met a boy!
At a bar?
At a Jason Mraz concert?
No! ...online.
Well, how did he find you?
I'm on twitter, I'm on twitter
and I'm tweeting and singing a song
about tweeting, but it's 7 characters too long.
la la la la la la lah la la la
I'm on facebook. I'm on facebook.
and my facebook updates with my tweets,
so I twitter, and then everybody knows my deeds.
la la la la la la lah la la la la
What's Maria doing for dinner then? What you think of Transporter 3?
Twitter gets my stats, facebook gets my tweets, all of them collect on friendfeed.
What do you even know about this girl?
I know she likes Jason Mraz.
Oh boy Tony, you're in trouble!
You don't know anything about music.
I've got a secret weapon.
Pandora. I've just found a site called Pandora.
I type in bands I know. It gives me ones like O-A-R.
Pandora. I've just found a site called Pandora.
I'm suddenly equipped like I'm hanging out at hipster bars.
Pandora. Type it in and there's music playing.
Watch the ads and it's almost like paying.
Tony and Maria are going on their date tonight.
Oh, I hope they find true love.
True love on the internet? Ha!
I like to be on eHarmony, sign up for free on eHarmony!
You can get by on eHarmony.
You can't be gay on eHarmony.
100% accuracy.
90% of the country!
Why do you guys sound like gaylords?
Come on, we're theater majors.
How can a modern technology hold onto 50's philosophy?
Sorry to preach but eHarmony, get with the 21st century.
Tony! I was worried you wouldn't show!
eVite, eVite, did you get the details? I had you down as not yet replied.
I hate eVite! There's nothing in emails, and you have to click through to the site.
I was worried while I waited, your picture was outdated, and you looked liked a dog.
Now I can't wait to read about me later on your blog.
5 Comentarios
Interesante este video que nos traes hoy... Claro que siempre traes cosas interesantes así que no tiene mucho mérito, jujuju.
ResponderEliminarUn besote.
Pues espera que el siguiente también va a ser muy musical (ya sabes que los busco sólo para tí XD)
ResponderEliminarPD. Aplicaté el cuento que menuda mierda de blog lleno de dibujitos tienes... ¿Cuando vas a empezar a poner fotos de tíos en bolas?
Pues mira, después de poco más de un mes en el gimnasio, estoy empezando a notar resultados así que nunca se sabe... jujujuju.
ResponderEliminarMe alegra que te guste Hada.